Reliant Investigations is a specialized company that provides professional investigative services involving fires, water loss investigation, and fireplace and chimney inspections.
We have State, National, and Internationaly certified fire investigators who focus on property loss investigations. Reliant Investigations sets itself apart by also providing accelerant detection canines with every investigator at no additional cost to our client.
Our company strives to surpass the industry standard by obtaining training and certification in specialized fields such as accelerant detection K-9s and certified fireplace inspection. Our company is highly experienced in providing factual, unbiased investigations with over 15 years of public experience.
Reliant Investigations delivers a thorough investigation and a comprehensive analysis through fire modeling, fire scene reconstruction, a detailed report, and litigation consulting. We insure our clients the highest quality investigators with top of the line resources.
All our investigations are conducted utilizing the scientific principles and methods pursuant to NFPA 921 Guidelines. |